Tuesday 5 December 2023 RAFA Concert fundraising for BRMC, 6.30pm for 7pm. Refreshments available. All welcome. Retiring collection.
Sunday 10 December 2023, 10.30am Revd Tony Brazier will lead the service of Holy Communion for the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Friday 15 December 2023, 11am Christmas Carols outside the Church, followed by hot drinks and mince pies inside the hall.
Sunday 17 December 2023, 10.30am Revd Debra Chidakwe will be leading the morning service for the 3rd Sunday of Advent.
Saturday 23 December 2023, Church Together Live Nativity, 12.30pm
This will start from the church, stop outside Santander, and then travel to Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Centre. There will be mince pies and drinks available after a combined worship.
Saturday 23 December 2023, Christmas concert and singalong with Michael Wooldridge, 2pm.
Tickets £6 from Martin, all proceeds to church funds. Refreshments will be available. Sign-up sheet in the hall.
Sunday 24 December 2023, Christmas Eve, 10.30am
Revd Tongayi Matamba, from Bognor Regis Methodist Church, will be leading this special service along with Pastor Marcio Albuquerque, from the New Day Church, for the 4th Sunday of Advent.
Monday 25 December 2023, Christmas Day, 10.00am (note earlier service time)
Morning worship for Christmas Day at Bognor Regis Methodist Church.
Sunday 31 December 2023, New Year’s Eve, 10.30am
A united service will be held at Westergate Methodist Church. All are welcome. There will be no service at Bognor Regis.
Churches Together
There are a number of services taking places for Christmas across Churches Together. Below are some of the carol services.
Churches Together in Bognor Regis website and Facebook page.
10 December 2023, 11am, RAFA Carol Service, Salvation Army, Canada Grove, Bognor Regis, PO21 1QL
17 December 2023, 11am, Community Carol Service including participants from The Music Man Project. This will take place at the Salvation Army centre.
The Salvation Army is leading a Christmas appeal for people in need in the area.