
If you would like to donate items for those in need in the area. The church community collects items for Bognor Regis Foodbank at the back of the church building. These items are taken regularly to the Foodbank, thanks to members of the church.

The Foodbank helps local people in crisis. The Bognor Regis centre opened in 2012.

Westergate Methodist Church is also a collection point, and on Fridays between 12pm and 2pm is open to those in need of support from the Foodbank. 

What does a Foodbank do?

The Foodbank provides three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. It is part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, which works to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. The Bognor Regis Foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in the local area.

More details about Bognor Regis Foodbank

Donate food to the Bognor Regis Foodbank. The website and the charity’s Facebook page publishes lists of food that is particularly needed that week. For example, tinned fruit, pasta sauces, tinned soup, tinned potatoes, pasta, and so on.

Donate money to help the Bognor Regis Foodbank



Directions and opening times for the Foodbank, which is located on Argyle Hall, Argyle Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 1DY.

Foodbank vouchers are needed to access help from the centre. Information on how you can get the vouchers.

Bognor Regis Foodbank website


During the pandemic, BRMC hosted the local foodbank

July 2021

Purpose Fulfilled: Foodbank

November 2020 update

BRMC extends partnership with Bognor Foodbank
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