BRMC extends partnership with Bognor Foodbank

Press release from BRMC

BRMC extends partnership with Bognor Foodbank

Back in March 2020, as social distancing measures began to come in and we heard that Bognor Foodbank were unable to maintain safety of team and clients at their usual base, we offered them use of our church hall as a distribution point for a few weeks. Recognising how vital the services of the Foodbank are to those who find themselves in crisis, often caused by circumstances entirely out of their control, we knew that the continuance of the services of Bognor Foodbank through the pandemic would be a lifeline for some of the most in need in our community. 

With many of the BRMC congregation and community over 70 or shielding, it has been a privilege that as BRMC we have been able to continue to serve God in our community by making our building avaialble in this way.

We initially thought the arrangements would be for a few weeks, at the time none of us ever anticipated the longevity of the pandemic and the long term impact on society it would have. Over the last months 100s of people in our community have received much needed food that helps them and their families in times of crisis. 

After a period of consolation with BRMC Managing Trustees, we have now formally confirmed with Bognor Foodbank that, should they continue to require it, the BRMC church hall is avaialble to them until the end of January 2021, and this will be reviewed again in the new year. In the midst of the many uncertainties we are living through, this commitment will offer Bognor Foodbank some certain as they begin preparations for a busy and unpredictable Christmas period. Most importantly, it offers certainty of food parcel support for people in crisis in our community.

Rev Dan Balsdon, minister at BRMC, has had a leading role in coordinating this work on behalf of BRMC. “It is a tragedy that Foodbanks are increasingly becoming a lifeline to greater numbers of people in our community and country.  While I long for a day that the services of Foodbanks are no longer in such demand, it has been a privilege on behalf of BRMC to play our part in supporting some of the most in need in our community through the pandemic.”

“The Christian faith is one that challenges us to live lives of ever increasing love for our fellow human beings. Jesus calls us to live in community with one another and work with others to share God’s love, which includes care for the marginalised and those in need. Through our partnering with Bognor Foodbank and the many agencies they work with, we play our part in demonstrating that BRMC cares about our community and the lives of those who live in it.”

BRMC cares about our community and the lives of those who live in it.  

“I have been overjoyed that, despite the many problems and challenges that the pandemic continues to present us with, there has been a growing collaboration between faith, statutory, charity and voluntary organisations. This has been a wonderful symbol of the lifeblood of the Bognor Regis community, with its threads of love and care for one another and our community overcoming those challenges with hope.”

For details of current arrangements for food parcel distribution please visit:

Find their Facebook page: @bognorfoodbank

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