Quiet Day 2022

Quiet Day, June 2022

A spiritual journey led by Brian Scully from Open Doors. 

Alongside selected scripture and prayers on the theme of refugees and biblical journeys, Brian Scully of Open Doors will be doing a morning and afternoon talk with three quarters of an hour allowed on each occasion for personal reflection in the grounds or surrounding area.  Finishing with Communion (Tony Brazier) where we find our home in Christ.

Of course, by the nature of such a day – everyone will have their own experience of the day and that may not be on the theme at all! This is your space to be with God and hear God’s voice. 

at St Thomas-a-Becket’s Church, Pagham.

 Saturday 25th June, 2022
10.30am to 3.30pm
Marking Refugee Week

Please bring a packed lunch. All donations gratefully received for At Thomas-a-Becket’s Church and Open Doors.

Please contact Anita on anita.c.hayward@btinternet.com or 01243 826425 to book your place.

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