100 years of Bognor Regis Methodist Church at Waterloo Square in 2025

Planning is underway for this celebration year in 2025.

Provisional events will include:

Saturday 5 April 2025

Local history of the Methodist Church in Bognor Regis. Exhibition in the Wesley Room, Bognor Regis Methodist Church, Waterloo Square.

Sunday 6 April 2025

Celebration Service, led by the President of the Methodist Conference. This will be followed by lunch in the church hall. There will be a sign-up sheet and more details for the lunch nearer the time.

Wednesday 9 April 2025 

Bognor Regis Methodist Church Bake-Off Competition and a Poetry Afternoon.

Friday 11 April 2025 or Saturday 12 April 2025 – TBC

A musical event is being planned.

Tuesday 15 April 2025

2pm Talk on the history of the building at Waterloo Square

Sunday 20 April 2025 – Easter Sunday

Special floral decoration in Bognor Regis Methodist Church, on Waterloo Square.

Monday 21 April 2025 – Bank Holiday Monday

Specially-commissioned drama in the Sunken Gardens, opposite the Church.

Thursday 24 April 2025 

Great Lego Church event and children’s activities.

Sunday 27 April 2025 

10:30am Joint Service of Thanksgiving and Barbeque at Bognor Regis Methodist Church. This will bring together BRMC, Felpham Methodist, Selsey Methodist, and Westergate Methodist Churches. This is under planning. More details to follow. For more detailed information, please contact Revd Tongayi Matamba.


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